Promoting Gender Equality in Agriculture : A Simple Act For Future Food Security And Economic Welfare #WCY2014

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              “Don’t underestimate the details, it can mislead you to find the best solution” 
           - Woka Aditama -

The quotes above are coming , rightly after I came back from Canada for attending Youth Agricultural Summit  last year. A week of discussion there about  food insecurity , had open my eyes that a simple issue such as gender equality, could be so impactful to maximize world agricultural productivity. Yes, its not talking about complicated topics such as high - technology for farmers or any scientific Genetically Modified (GMO) who only could be done by particular experts. And today, commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8, I think  it’s a perfect time  to talk about promoting women's role in agriculture.


The meme above approximately describe the ‘principle’ thing in this article. So if you get lost about the topics, don’t worry.  Just see back on that meme.

Many solutions from worldwide experts and world leaders  have been implemented  to overcome a poverty and increase food security. Mostly of those solutions are focus to developing countries in terms to  increase yields in agricultural production. Because this improvement will make affect in improvement of food security  and at once elevate farmers  economy welfare itself.

But, have it ever cross in your mind that all those great solutions might be a part of problems itself in agriculture?

Pertanian Runtuh, Negara (Bisa) Jatuh

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Beberapa bulan yang lalu (sebenarnya udah lama banget, ada kali 5 bulan lamanya)  saya terpilih untuk turut serta di dalam sebuah acara internasional di Kanada, membahas isu-isu  pertanian dan pengentasan kelaparan dunia (Untuk kronologis lengkapnya hingga saya bisa berkunjung ke Kanada, akan saya ceritakan di post selanjutnya, ya) . Pengalaman selama disana jujur saja, banyak membuka wawasan sekaligus  “penyadaran” kepada saya mengenai betapa pentingnya sektor pertanian dan peran para petani bagi kelangsungan hidup sebuah bangsa. Kalau boleh saya ibaratkan, pertanian itu punya posisi yang sama pentingnya dengan senjata nuklir. Serius, SENJATA NUKLIR !( Sampai saya Capslock nih).
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